Haunt Me Review

Haunt Me
Rating: 5/5
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Source: Proof courtesy of BooksWithBite (Released 6th October 2016)

Joe wakes up from a deep sleep to see his family leave in a removals van. Where they've gone, he has no idea. Erin moves house and instantly feels at home in her new room. Even if it appears she isn't the only one living in it. Bit by bit, Erin and Joe discover that they have somehow found a way across the ultimate divide - life and death. Bound by their backgrounds, a love of poetry and their growing feelings for each other, they are determined to find a way to be together.
Joe's brother, Olly, never cared much for poetry. He was always too busy being king of the school - but that all changed when Joe died. And when an encounter in the school corridor brings him face to face with Erin, he realises how different things really are - including the kind of girl he falls for.
Two brothers. Two choices. Will Erin's decision destroy her completely, or can she save herself before she is lost forever?

So I attended YALC this year and was given this book for free. Of all the free books I received, I was most intrigued about this one. It had no synopsis on the back, just a question: Can you be unfaithful to a ghost? It caught my attention immediately and that’s why when I got it on the Sunday morning, it was finished by the Sunday afternoon. It’s almost 400 pages but simply unputdownable. I feel like I’m being made to change my ways at the moment. The last few reviews I’ve done I’ve said how I’ve connected to the male protagonist in a story which isn’t something I usually do but once again, here I was, falling in love and attaching myself to one of the main characters, Joe.

Haunt Me is written from Joe, Olly and Erin’s point of view. There are alternating chapters between them and the author (Liz Kessler) does a really great job of giving the characters a distinguishable “voice”; so much so that even if the chapters weren’t titled with the character, I would know whose chapter it was within the first few sentences which really made me feel connected to the characters.

The book begins and Joe finds himself alone in his now empty house. He has no recollection of anything happening to him and his family are nowhere to be seen. He starts to panic. He can’t leave his room…then finally his brother, Olly comes in and Joe thinks it’s a prank and relaxes. Only to find that Olly can’t see him. Or hear him. Joe is reluctant to admit it for a long time…but he is a ghost.

Cue Erin. Erin moves into Joe’s house with her family and instantly feels a connection with Joe’s old bedroom. Joe discovers that he can reach out to her and before long; Erin is able to see and hear Joe. Joe and Erin discover they have a lot in common, one of them being a love of poetry. The poetry is quite a significant part of this story and there really are some beautiful poems throughout this book. After endless nights of talking and finally touching, Joe and Erin fall head over heels in love and are desperate to find a way to be together. It’s really heart-breaking as you know that it could never be possible but the love they have for each other is just beautiful. They understand each other on a level that no one has before.

Erin then meets Olly. She discovers he’s Joe’s brother and wants to find out more information about Joe when he was alive and how he died. Will she like what she discovers?

Olly starts to fall for Erin but he doesn’t know that Erin is harbouring a huge secret about his dead brother. Will she come clean? Does Erin share the same feelings as Olly?

I want to leave this review with lots of unanswered questions because honestly, I recommend this book so much and want you all to read it. The book had me in tears. A lot. It is completely unique and you won’t find another book like it. Come October, go grab a copy, you won’t regret it!

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