For books: I accept physical copies of books for reviewing purposes. I promise to look at every request sent to me (and respond), but I can't guarantee that I will be able to read/review it. I rarely accept e-books but am happy to if it's a book I am keen on. As you can probably tell, Young Adult is my predominant reading preference but it is by no means limited to that. I love books featuring strong female characters and books containing lead characters with disabilities.
When a book is sent in exchange for a review, it will be disclosed clearly at the top of the review, who it was sent by and when the book will be released. I will only write my honest opinion on books, so I apologise in advance if I don't like your book. Although honest in my reviews, I will always try to find something I like about the book (I've yet to post a one star review!).
I'm happy to take part in blog tours but it must be a book I have enjoyed and am eager to promote.
For films: I'm happy to accept digital copies of films, as well as attending in-person events for reviewing purposes. Horror is the genre of films I watch most, but I'm open to watching anything. My favourite horror movies are Saw, Evil Dead, Wrong Turn and Final Destination. Other favourites include Onward, Tangled and Con Air.

If you would live to contact me about a review or attending an event, please email me at: 

I aim to respond to enquires with 24-48 hours.

Preferred Genres (Books):

Young Adult - all varieties of (in particular horror & fantasy)
Horror & Thriller
Women's Fiction (ex: Giovanna Fletcher, Paige Toon etc.)
Preferred Genres: (Films):
Horror - (slasher and gore in particular)
Romantic Comedies