
Hey guys! I know I've not been blogging long and I also know there are so many bloggers out there who have incredible blogs and make me insanely jealous (especially of their website templates..that is a skill I lack, massively) but I know a few of you do seem to enjoy my blog and my YouTube, in particular when I talk about books (which is about 95% of my videos, I know); so it would mean the world to me if you could vote for me in the Blogosphere Blog Awards 2017 for Book Blogger of the Year. It isn't based on how many votes you get, but on the quality of your blog. I know a few of you have voted for me already and that in itself is achievement enough for me because knowing that some of you don't just enjoy my blogs, but I'm your favourite book blogger...well, that just makes me very bloomin' happy.
 If you would like to vote for me, just follow this link: https://www.blogospheremagazine.com/awards/
and type in nosaferplace in the blog name and either nosaferplace.co.uk or youtube.com/c/nosaferplace in the website box and you're all done!

Thank you all for the continued support, today and always. 
Zoe x

P.S. Hope you all had a fab World Book Day. The best appreciation day of the year. What are you all reading?

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