The Opposite of You Review

The Opposite of You
Rating: 4/5
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Source: Copy sent by Stripes Publishing 

There are two sides to every story.

A fast-paced YA about finding out who you really are
Naomi is ready to escape. She’s fed up with being one half of Bex-and-Naomi. What’s the point when her identical twin sister doesn’t know a single thing about what she’s really thinking?

Bex doesn’t know who Naomi is any more. Every time she reaches out, Naomi pushes her away. But when her twin skips their final exam, Bex realizes just how little she understands her sister’s life. 
Now Bex needs to get her sister back, before it’s too late…

I got sent a copy of this book by the lovely people over at Stripes Publishing. I loved the cover and the synopsis sounded really different so I picked it up almost instantly and it was finished in just over an hour. That's how fast-paced it was. And you guys know how much I love short chapters. This is the kind of book I'd expect to find in one of the Zoella Book Clubs and you all know my love for those.

The Opposite of You focuses on Bex and Naomi - identical twin sisters with not so identical personalities. I think like most twins, it gets to a point where one of them will go looking for their own identity, which leaves the other one, who isn't quite ready to do that yet feeling alone and causes them to do things they wouldn't usually do, which is exactly what happens in this story.

They are both in the midst of GCSEs and discovering what they'd like to do with their lives. Bex is the "good" twin, she's settled in life and has always found it easy to be her own person. Naomi is the "bad" twin, the rebel who always seems to be doing something outrageous.

I honestly didn't think this book would be a thriller until the last day of exams and Naomi goes missing. Bex is forced into looking into her past and finding ways to connect to Naomi that she had long forgotten. Bex discovers that she doesn't really know her twin at all...

It suddenly gets very intense and there's a lot of themes explored, such as alcohol, drugs and violence, which I think is what made the story so fast-paced. Bex meets a stranger - Josh - and he might just be the key to helping Bex discover how to save her twin. Can their connection as twins save them both?

I absolutely adored this book and sometimes you just need an easy read to get yourself through the day - and this definitely did that.

PS. Thanks for the blue bobbed wig Stripes, I loved it!


  1. I've seen this cover floating around but I didn't know what it was about, more to add to the TBR. I've got to stop reading reviews of books that I don't own yet, I'll be poor by next week at this rate xoxo

    1. It really is fab! I know that feeling, it's just never bloody ending :p xxx

  2. Ooh! This looks interesting. Going to have to pick it up x
