Spotlight Blog: A Cup of Wonderland - Guest Post

This week's Spotlight Blog is Hannah from acupofwonderland. I remember when she first started blogging and I loved her blog from the get go. She is one of the loveliest bloggers I've ever come across and her content is amazing. For a blog to be as wonderful as hers only 3 months in is such an achievement in itself. We both share a love of all things Disney, so I couldn't think of a more apt blog post from Hannah. Enjoy!

Hey I’m Hannah, I’m a 19 year old university student and I’ve been blogging around 3 months now and been loving everything about the whole community. My blog focuses on anything and everything, from Star Wars to Harry Potter to Disney but also my life and my university experiences.

I’ve loved reading Zoe’s blog and watching her videos on Youtube for such a long time now, to be honest I actually admire her a lot. I’m completely honoured that she offered me a spot on her Spotlight Blog tour, thank you Zoe!

Now as I’ve mentioned one of the things which I talk about on my blog is Disney which I know Zoe is a huge fan of as I am! So I thought that it would be fitting that for my Spotlight Blog to be about Disney and the films which mean a lot to me. Disney has been a part of me since really early in my childhood and I think that’s something which is a part of lot of people too. With over 100 movies, animated and live-action, I think that there are many movies which hold sentimental value to everyone and so I choose 7 to share with you all.

Beauty and the Beast.
For me Beauty and the Beast is my favourite Disney Princess film, from early on Belle was one of the characters which I was able to relate too. Feeling the odd one out (I still do) and her love of books, I loved her so much! But also this was the film I was scared off when I was really young because of the Beast so it holds value to me cause I’d only ever watch it with my Dad. (Poor Dad he must have had to watch it over 100 times) Also love the new live action edition of the film!

I was obsessed with dinosaurs when I was a kid, but most kids are I think. Dinosaur was one of the most unique films, I was mesmerised by the animation of it as a kid. I think my mum regretted getting me this on VHS as I watched it relentlessly, she still goes on about it today about my obsession and love of this film.

Robin Hood.
Robin Hood was a film I loved from first moment it began, it has one of my favourite Disney soundtracks. The music and songs are upbeat, catchy and overall fun, with the twist of this traditional tale with the characters as animals. I just loved it all and still do!

Basil the Great Mouse Detective.
It always surprises me how Disney didn’t make a franchise of this film series or even that not a lot of people know of this film. It’s fast paced and action packed and surprisingly dark for a Disney film but I do adore it. Also Basil’s dog Toaby is what inspired 7 year old me to call my new puppy Toaby!

101 Dalmatians.
This is a bonus film, as it is not only one of the Disney films what mean a lot to me but it’s actually Toaby’s favourite film. He gets so excited watching it on the telly, though he prefers the live action version.

Ratatouille was the first Disney Pixar film I saw at the cinema and I fell in love with the character of Remy. He kinda inspires me still as he always pushed himself to achieve his dream of being a cook despite his species or what others thought of him.

I think for me Zootopolis means a lot because of the message it sends. That it doesn’t matter who you are that you can do anything and that's something I love. Also the Shakira song is one of my favourites ever!

What are the Disney films which mean something to you? 

Thank you again Zoe for letting me create a post for your blog! I really appreciate it! x

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