5 people you'd want to spend Christmas with (can be family, friends, fellow authors, celebs (dead or alive), be as creative as you want!)
The first person that popped into my head was my grandma on my mum’s side. She died six years ago and she was the queen of Christmas dinner and there was never a dull moment with her because she would hide Christmas presents from my sister and me in December and would freak out on Christmas day when we didn’t open them (we’d find them by my Birthday in March).
My grandad on my dad’s side, because it’s been so long since he died that I can’t really remember what Christmas was like with him. I vaguely remember riding my new bike and him standing in the street watching in the snow, but nothing other than that. I don’t even have photos because he hated his picture being taken.
More upbeat choices would be Dan and Phil who are just my favourite people ever, they’re YouTubers in case you don’t know! And Michael Caine because he’s the star of my favourite Christmas film.
4 Books you want under your tree this Christmas (they don't have to be Christmassy - the books also don't have to be YA, can be MG, Children's or Adult)
Is it cheating to say books I’ve put on my wish list that I think my family have gotten? That would be the 10th Anniversary edition of City of Bones and The Book of Dust which I haven’t read yet (I know it’s a crime).
I’m also still desperate to read The Extinction Trials by S M Wilson so that would be under the tree and I struggled with a fourth choice but I thought I’d do a fictional-fictional choice and that would be a sequel to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child because I got the notification that it’s three months until I see the play and I’m excited again.
3 Christmas foods (You can only choose 3 foods to eat around Christmas time, what would you choose?)
Pigs in blankets, Quality Street (specifically the green triangles) and roast potatoes. I’m not a big fan the more traditional choices of turkey and Christmas pudding, sorry!
2 Christmas films you couldn't live without (As long as it's based around the Christmas holidays, that's fine!)
The Muppets Christmas Carol and Love Actually - I couldn’t go a Christmas Eve without watching The Muppets Christmas Carol, it’s my ultimate festive film since I was a baby.
Love Actually is the choice I always have to justify. I love it as a silly, unrealistic film and it gives me pantomime vibes and it has so many of my favourite actors in it that I couldn’t not enjoy watching it at Christmas.
1 Christmas song (Only one Christmas song you can listen to on repeat around Christmas!)
Shake Up Christmas by Train because it’s so upbeat and happy and I don’t think I could get sick of it compared.

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