I’m so excited to be doing a guest post on Zoe’s blog. I truly admire her and without sounding a bit over the top, I kind of see it as an honour to be able to guest on her awesome blog! This is my first guest post so I hope you enjoy.
I’m going to be talking about my favourite Christmas Reads. As I mentioned recently on my blog https://jenniely.com/how-i-celebrate-christmas/.Christmas has always been an odd one for me. I’ve rarely spent any Christmas’ at home, this year I’m off to New York in fact (so excited!).
So with that being said, when I think of Christmas reads, the book(s) that come to mind are… Lord of the Rings. Yep, you heard me right, Lord of the Rings. Many many moons ago, I was given the box set of LotR for Christmas. I was about 9 and people couldn’t believe I’d read them, though to be fair they were split into 6 smaller books. Anyway, I took them on Holiday to Tenerife with me at Christmas, which is what we did every year, and I have this distinct memory of lying on my bed, reading LotR at Christmas.
I have to be honest though, LotR doesn’t exactly fill me with Christmas spirit, so now I bring you some more traditionally Christmas reads.
I bring you… Harry Potter.
Okay I may have done it again. Not quite Christmassy in itself, but it definitely gives me the Christmassy feels! I just LOVE Christmas at Hogwarts, the great hall all decked out, the snow in the grounds… simply amazing. I listened to the audiobooks of Harry Potter last year and it was wonderful.
How about? The Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman
Pride and Prejudice
Hah I’m not even going to explain myself… okay I will. I love this story, and I actually think of this at Christmas because of a Christmas retelling of this I read some years ago. I cannot for the life of me remember what it was, and I’ve done some digging to no avail. Trust me though, it was good!
I think the only Christmassy books that I read tend to be random romance novels I pick up that are covered in glitter. I can’t recommend them as they don’t stick out as brilliant books, but they give me the warm and fuzzies.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and if you want to check out my own Blogmas posts then come and visit me at www.jenniely.com
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